

Blog Aggregator Regator Relaunches: New Design, Better Search & Facebook Integration: http://bit.ly/cXCUvH #Blogging #Product #Reviews #RSS
Encrypted Search Coming To Google Next Week http://bit.ly/a1Exr5 #Google #encrypted #Gmail
It’s Official. Apple Was Behind The iPhone Search Warrant Raid http://bit.ly/94ZgWD #Apple #iphone #search #Gizmodo
On a Bad Online Date? There's an App for That http://bit.ly/bNR1ES #iphone-app #iphone-apps #online-dating #social-networking #blog #video
Tales Of Things gives real-life objects a digital memory http://bit.ly/dr1YyO #talesofthings #real-life #memory #mobile #iphone #photo
Can Money Dashboard become the UK’s Mint.com? http://bit.ly/ashuzc #mint.com #UK # bank #paypal #moneydashboard #monetisation
Plan Your Social Calender with the Hotlist http://bit.ly/bXs3vJ #calendar #events #facebook #foursquare #geolocation #hotlist #カレンダー
The Local Advertising War Will Be a Clash of the I.. http://bit.ly/aeKcaF #facebook #foursquare #geolocation #marketing #google #ソーシャルメディア
New York Times Paywall Goes Up January 2.. http://bit.ly/9kQELU #metered-content #new-york-times #newspapers #print #newspaper #新聞
TweetDeck Heading to Mobile Web Browsers http://bit.ly/bKFuvT #mobile-web #tweetdeck #twitter #iphone #ipad #ツイッター
7 Ways Journalists Can Use Foursquare http://bit.ly/c2BeMX #brightkite #crowdsourcing #facebook #twitter #foursquare #journalism #iphone
Lucky Magazine Brings "Pop-Up" Shop to Facebook http://bit.ly/9hY2xV #e-commerce #facebook #lucky #shop
Foursquare Gets Mainstream Exposure on “The Today Show” http://bit.ly/aLyNKi #foursquare #geolocation #today-show
A New Facebook? Collegiate Nation Offers Private Alternative for Students Only: http://bit.ly/9f35HG
Building a Startup Culture: http://bit.ly/cGvc25 #entrepreneur #startup #plan #marketing #education
The Touch-Friendly Web Keeps on Growing: http://bit.ly/cJqwBP #taptu #mobile #iphone #android #statics #touch-friendly

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