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5 case studies on global brands’ Facebook campaigns http://t.co/K1tjgfm
Seeking sales and marketing synergy in social media http://t.co/LsOdM8x
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86%がTV視聴時もモバイル端末を操作。 Top Trends of 2011: Second Screen  http://t.co/nAqZOtR
Freelance Web Development: 9 Tips for Better Project Management http://ping.fm/0kmQs
HOW TO: Utilize Social Data More Effectively http://ping.fm/J5yVS
Social media and the new wave of journalism http://t.co/Hjes0Ri
TV派のHulu 対 映画派のNetflix Hulu Vs. Netflix: What Device Are You Watching On? [INFOGRAPHIC] http://ping.fm/rnmG6
Eリーダで読むもの(US):1.無料書籍、2.有料書籍、3.図書館蔵書と、書籍が圧倒的。The State of the Tablet and Ereader Market http://ping.fm/PlNFA

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